Do you have the best team at your side?
by Or Berenshtein

December 08, 2016
Can you drive a Ferrari?
Honestly - how well can one drive a supreme racing car? In all fairness, as good as we get with a new Ferrari (Aiming high is important), a professional driver can drive that car the way it should be driven, as a ball of fire...
But hey, we’re not here to let you down, on the contrary, we want you to be in the driver’s seat. Being a digital marketing manager, that’s where you belong.
Hopefully, at the end of the day, you will be standing solely on the podium. All eyes looking at you, admiring your driving and winning skills. You won for all of us. But being the experienced leader that you are, you know, that there are many others standing there with you.
The most talented race car driver or digital marketer, needs a team around them. And to win any race - we pick the best professionals in their field.
Winning the inbox race
Email marketing, when properly done, is actually executed by many professionalists coming from different disciplines: Marketing stuff, data analysis professionals, strategists, creative and copywriters, content writers, designers, tech team and even more. We have inboxes to reach and subscribers hearts to conquer. With 205 billion emails sent a day, we’d better stand out.
Naturally, it is our mission to help our customers stand out and eventually stand on the winners podium. But how? Let me tell you a story - Publicators were pioneers in integrating Landing pages and surveys into our mailing platform about 10 years ago. We thought that enhancing the “racing tools”, rather than “just sending newsletters” could help our customers expand their activities and eventually increase ROI. However, we noticed that only a minor percentage of them, actually used those tools. At first we thought maybe they didn’t know how to “drive” it. So naturally we opened courses and trainings and made sure they felt familiar enough with all the features etc. Eventually we realized, that even after been given a comprehensive training, most of our customers kindly asked us to “take the wheel” for them.
In time, landing pages became a common integrated feature in many emailing platforms. But knowing how to create a converting landing page, followed by a typ (thank you page) and the perfect email to each subscriber - is a profession.
Who takes over the wheel?
We meet with companies of all industries and sizes on a daily basis. They all have excellent people dedicated to the success of marketing missions. Naturally they are busy with other marketing activities or don’t have the proper qualification required for EMAIL marketing specifically. That’s usually when marketing managers call us. They want professional team to take care of their email marketing activities, and give them the bottom lines when needed.
Email marketing generates ROI of 39$ for every 1$ spent, it should be professionally executed, since we know it brings top results.
We have a great team, dedicated to email marketing in every possible aspect. Our solutions consists of hundreds of details, but we tried to summarize it and put it in guidelines, so you could roughly understand the idea and road map.
We’d love to be the team at your side, and deliver you to the winner’s podium.
To discuss your Email Marketing plans