The Power of Email Marketing
by Publicators

July 15, 2014
It's hard for a small business out there. As a small business owner, you need to put in double the time with far less workers just to keep up with the big brands. That means you can't afford to pass up measures that require little effort and can yield big returns.
Whatever it is you're selling, email newsletters are a low-investment, high-yield tool to attract buyers and to keep existing ones content with your service. The first email newsletter was sent out very shortly after the first email was sent, and they're expected to be around for the foreseeable future.
So why should you start an email newsletter?
Following are a few reasons:
- It's very hard to get customers to reach your website even once. To get them there more frequently, so that you can lay out your new information (about events, sales, new upcoming products, there's no better way than a newsletter with links to your site in it.
- Then again, with a newsletter, you can market your products directly. New products, particularly successful products, products that received media attention, products you feel didn't receive sufficient attention – all these can be featured in a newsletter.
- A good, readable email newsletter is a great way to keep customers in mind of your brand, and compete with all the other channels of advertising out there.
- An email newsletter is also a very effective way to let your customers talk to you. Whether they want to tell you how much they love your merchandise, or whether they have a complaint, they can just hit “reply” on your newsletter instead of trying to remember your website's address.
- An email newsletter serves as a handy way to identify your most loyal and engaged customers. If they signed up for your mailer, they're already more interested in your product than the vast majority of the population. So what do you do when you recognize loyalty? You reward it.
- Use your email newsletter to offer your subscribers discount coupons and other special offers not available to the general population. Being subscribers, they are also more likely to use those discounts and offers – it's a win-win situation!
- Research shows that people still prefer receiving information from companies through email than through any other medium. It also shows that almost half of email marketing recipients ended up making a purchase. That is a great ratio for any advertising medium.
"But how to build THE list?"
We found a very valuable article we recommend to read and follow: How to build an Email List full of eager and passionate subscribers.
Need help starting up? Talk to us.